A highly motivated and educated Agriculture Scientist Dr. B S Chandi holds concern to address the key societal issues. He is an honest and straight forward person possessing the qualities of head and heart and has initiative taking capabilities and entrepreneurial drive. He is providing charismatic leadership to Human Capital and is a role model for everyone at Global Institutes. He is completely result oriented and is directing every action towards the achievement of mission and vision of institute. He generally tells the core team members that a desire can change nothing, a decision can change something but determination can change everything.
Dr. B.S. Chandi firmly believes that there is no leadership without courage and one has to take tough & unpleasant decisions when required. Under his dynamic leadership, Global is all set for total transformation to take up the role of leader in Technical and Management education. He observes “The last year has been a year of many milestones. We promise to make sterling growth in the coming year which will have long term positive outcomes. It is time for us to move up and move ahead Synergistically and make a distinctive mark in the educational map of the country by providing a spectrum of best quality infrastructural, academic and research facilities”. Dr. B.S.Chandi