Department of Applied Sciences
The Department of Applied Sciences at the Global Group of Institutes integrates the foundational sciences of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Communicative English into a cohesive educational experience, preparing students for advanced studies in Engineering, Technology, and Management. Eligible candidates with a strong background in science at the 10+2 level are welcomed to deepen their understanding and analytical capabilities. Graduates are primed for diverse career paths, from research and innovation in science and technology sectors to effective communication and problem-solving in various professional settings. This department is committed to fostering a scientific temper and equipping students with the skills necessary for global challenges and opportunities.
Areas of Focus
- To be a world-class centre in basic and Allied Physics & Chemistry.
- To impart and enhance advanced knowledge and professional skills to the students to meet the global challenges.
- To offer effective solutions to the industries through research and consultancies.
- To address rural needs through research and eco-friendly solutions.
Programme Objectives
- To develop a scientific temper and analytical capability in the engineering graduates through the learning of Engineering Physics and Engineering Chemistry.
- To learn fundamental mathematical concepts and how to apply them.
- To learn critical thinking, modelling/problem solving and effective uses of technology.
- To help the students to become independent users of the English language.
- The students should be able to converse fluently, without strain with international speakers of English in an accent and lexis that is widely understood across the globe. They should be able to produce on their own texts which are clear and coherent.
The Department has fully functional and well-equipped following labs –
- Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
- Engineering Physics Laboratory
- Communication Skills and Multimedia Lab
The highlight of the Department of Science & Humanities is Chomsky Communication Skills and Multimedia Lab which is based on the ISIL system. The Lab is used to inculcate the four basic skills for acquiring proficiency in English Language. These Skills are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing as a starting point, moves on to the area of correct pronunciation and effective communication through very interesting methodology.
The Elite Club of the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized “Debate Competition” on 20th April 2023.
“The Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities organized an Industrial Visit of B.Tech first year students to Milk Plant, Verka on 12th April, 2023.”
“On April 12, 2023, the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized an industrial visit to the Multi Skill Development Centre in Amritsar for the first-year B.Tech CSE/IT students.”
“The Elite Club of the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized the event “Poster Making” on 6th April 2023.”
“The Elite Club of the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized the event “Big Screen Cinephiles” on 09 March 2023.”
“Departmental activity “Antakshari”was organized by ELITE group of Applied Sciences & Humanities department in college campus on 2/3/2023.”
“Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized Departmental Activity LIVE PHOTOGRAPHY and ART WORK on 23rd Feb, 2023.”
“Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized Diwali Fest on 20th Oct, 2022.”
“Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized Ad Mad Show on 6th Oct, 2022.”
The students showed their enthusiasm and energy while performing on stage.
In Ad Mad Show, participating groups try to outwit each other in terms of Ad Concept or Design.
The participants were divided into 4 teams and each team had 6 members.
There were three rounds and time limit was two minutes for each round.
The activity gave the students a platform to show their presence of mind and energetic skills.
The aim behind conducting this activity was to explore creativeness, potential and mind activeness of students.
Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities of Global Group of Institutes organized the activity of ‘Treasure Hunt’ on 16 Dec 2021
Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities of Global Group of Institutes organized the activity of ‘Treasure Hunt’ on 16 Dec 2021.
Students of 1st year classes of B. Tech and Diploma actively participated and all of them played it enthusiastically.
The Treasure Hunt creates challenging as well as relaxing environment. It builds a shared sense of excitement that’s hard to beat.
This activity makes the players aware about their ability to see and notice things that people normally just overlook in their busy lives. This activity helps them to work in team and use their intellect to collect different items.
The activity was a grand success and was very much appreciated by the students and faculty.
In all, six teams participated and each team had eight students.
TEAM-E was declared as winners.
The members of this team were Rajswi, Sukhman, Sukhjinder, Karamvir, Ravi, Lovepreet, Shantanu, Harmanjot.
Second Position went to TEAM- F.
The members of the team were Gurdeep, Harpreet, Akashwinder, Muskan,Ranjani, Anjali, Prashant and Sunil.

Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized the activity of Poster Making on 25th Nov. 2021
Elite Club of Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized the activity of Poster Making on 25th Nov. 2021.
The ‘Poster Making’ activity helps the students to showcase their cognitive ability based on the themes that relate to Environment, Covid-19 and Bollywood.
Students from B. Tech – 1st Year and Diploma- 1st year participated in the competition.
A total of 15 students participated .
The activity was highly appreciated by the students and faculty members.
The following students were declared as winners:
Ist Position: Shantanu Hazarika
2nd Position: Ranjani Thankur
3rd Position: Bhumi

Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities organized a Webinar in which an Alumni of B.Tech (CSE) Batch 2009-2013 Er. Jaspreet Singh delivered a talk for the students. Er. Jaspreet Singh is currently employed with Odyssey Logistics and Technology Co-operation, Danbury, USA. He has earned a rich experience of 7 years as DevOps Consultant in Web Integrated Networks LLC. He has shared his experience from Global Group of Institutes to USA and briefed the gathering about the Latest Trends in IT. He also gave detailed information on Cloud Computing and Computing Security, Ansible, RDS, Artificial Intelligence and Kubernetes. The webinar was followed by question answer session which were answered to the satisfaction of students and faculty members present.

Elite Club of Department of Applied Science and Humanities organized “Cultural program” during the department activity period on 23 jan 2020. In this event, students of B.Tech and Diploma First year participated actively. The main objective of this activity was to bring out various talents of the students, to provide a platform for budding artists and musicians and to inculcate team spirit.

Department of Applied Science and Humanities organized Departmental Activity ‘Just a Minute’ on 15 Jan 2020 in the Seminar Hall Newton Block .Both Engineering and Diploma first year students keenly participated in the event. Each student was allowed to present his/her thoughts for 1 minute on the given topic
1. Women Empowerment
2. Global Warming
3. Social Sites
4. Corruption
5. Favourite Movie
6. College days

Visit Of An Ias Officer To Global Institute
Mr. Rahul Sharma (IAS, Mansuri) had been visited the Applied Science Department of Global Institute, Amritsar. Welcome address had been addressed by Dr. Akashdeep Singh (Vice Chairman) and Dr. Rajesh Goel (Director of GIMET). Motivational and inspirational speech delivered by Mr. Rahul Sharma. He provided the guidelines to students what is the preliminary stricture like books to be referred, time management etc. for qualifying the Administrator examination. It was quite interactive and inspirational session.

Poster Making Competition
The Applied Sciences department organized a Poster Making Competition for the students of B.Tech 1st year on 31st August 2017. Students showed keen interest and participated with full zest and zeal. The response was very encouraging.

Science Quiz

The Applied Sciences department organized a Science Quiz for the students of B.Tech first year to test their knowledge of science facts and applications of scientific principles. A group of 5 members formed a team from every section. It was a mind boggling session but the students enthusiastically participated. There were two rounds of the quiz. It was a tough game of mind but the students were able to get through with flying colours. Mohkam, Jatin Talwar, Sukhdeep Singh, Arpanjot and Nikhil Sharma of section A bagged the first prize. The winners were awarded with cash prizes and certificates.
Industrial Visit To Central Institutes Of Hand Tools, Jalandhar

Industrial visit to Central Institutes of Hand Tools, Jalandhar was organized on 6th August, 2016 for the students of first year to have an exposure of industrial work. Approximately 31 students visited the institute along with the faculty members of Global Institutes. There were informed about the mechanical equipments and hand tools. This visit enhanced the knowledge of students in emerging technologies and innovations.
Report on industrial trip at shri ram panels

In order to gain practical knowledge and experience, the students of B.Tech (ME), 1st year went out for an industrial visit at Shri Ram Panels, based at Shahpur village, Khanna-Amloh Road, Mandi Gobindgarh on 6-August-2016 along with the faculty members of Global Institutes.
Industrial visit to National Fertilizers Ltd. Nangal
Industrial visit to Central Institute of Hand Tools Jalandhar

The Department arranged a series of lectures on Personality Development for the students of B.Tech (all streams). Lectures were delivered on various topics like Resume Preparation, Group Discussion, Interview techniques and Interview Questions, Importance of Personality Development etc. so as to prepare the students for placements. Below is the list of activities that are being conducted regularly by the department:
Group Discussion
- 4-8 students are seated in a semi-circle so that they can face each other in order to maintain a proper eye-contact.
- Tag numbers are assigned to each student.
- DTopic is announced by the teacher and 20 minutes are given for the discussion.
- Students have to show leadership qualities, team work, cordial and friendly behavior at the time of discussion.
Resume Preparation
- Students are guided for the preparation of their Resume’s.
- Various samples of Resume are shown to the students.
- Students are guided that how they have to introduce themselves. Sequence and method of giving self-introduction are told to students.
- Special focus is given to their body language, eye-contact, manner of speaking, voice quality and pronunciation.
Mock Interviews
- Mock Interview sessions are conducted every week.
- Questions related to interview are asked to each student in order to prepare them for Interviews.
- Special focus is given to their body language, eye-contact, manner of speaking, voice quality and pronunciation.
- In this activity the topic is given on the spot.
- He/she will think upon the topic and will speak on the topic for at least two minutes.
- The speaker will be judged on the basis of communication skill, knowledge, humor etc.
- The student should follow proper body language.
- One can also record the performance of the student and video can be shown to him/her later on. In this way, he will himself evaluate his performance. The best speaker will be awarded.