3rd Semester

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II – Practical (BP305P)

 Physical Pharmaceutics I – Practical (BP306P)

Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Practical (BP307P)

Pharmaceutical Engineering –Practical (BP 308P)

3rd Semester






5th Semester


Practical No.1:Students will be able to learn about the equipement used for serving spirits

Practical No.2:Students will be able to learn about the service of Whisky

Practical No.3:Students will be able to learn about the service of Tequilla

Practical No.4:Students will be able to learn about the service of Vodka

Practical No.5:Students will be able to learn about the service of Flambe

Practical No.6:Students will be able to learn about the service of Brandy


Practical No.1:To make Students practice about the Arrival Errand Card with its requirements

Practical No.2:To make Students practice about the Departure Errand Card with its requirements & How it is made

Practical No.3:To make Students practice about the Luggge Out Pass with its requirements & why it is impotant of a chechk-out guest

Practical No.4:To make Students practice about the Room Change Slip with its requirements & when it is used & its importance

Practical No.5:To make Students practice about theLeft Luggage Register with its requirements & when it is used.

Practical No.6:To make Students practice about the Lobby Control Sheet with its uses & why it is made


Practical No.1:Students will be able to learn about the preparation of forcemeats, mixology of ingredients with their ratio and cooking method

Practical No.2:Students will be able to learn about the preparation of chicken puree, mixology of ingredients with their ratio and cooking method

Practical No.3:To make students learn about the cutting of vegetables, roasting and baking method and preparation of mold

Practical No.4:To make students learn about the chiffonade cutting & making of mayonnaise dressing

Practical No.5:students will be able to learn about the grilling technique & assembling of ingredients

Practical No.6:To make students Learn about the technique of debonning and poaching of stuffed chicken with forcemeat

3rd Semester

1. Crop Production Technology  (BSAG-310-19)
2. Fundamentals of Plant Breeding (BSAG-311-19)
3. Agricultural Finance and Cooperation (BSAG-312-19)
4. Agri- Informatics (BSAG-313-19)
5. Farm Machinery and Power (BSAG-314-19)
6. Production Technology for Vegetablesand Spices (BSAG-315-19)

5th Semester

1. Fundamental of Soil and Water Engineering (Practical) (BSAG-509)
2. Plant Tissue Culture and GeneticTransformation (Practical) (BSAG-510)
3. Insect Pest of Crops and Stored Grains (Practical) (BSAG-511)
4. Introductory Forestry (Practical) (BSAG-512)
5. Introduction of Plant Breeding (Practical) (BSAG-513)
6. Livestock Production and Management (Practical) (BSAG-514)

7th Semester

ADMISSION 2025-2026
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