Global Group of Institutes offer an opportunity for students to sharpen their skills, develop leadership qualities and gain hands-on experience to work in teams through various weekly activities. The objective is to bring into closer union and to mark in an outstanding manner those upcoming engineers who have manifested a deep interest and marked ability in their chosen life work so as to promote an understanding of their profession and to develop their professional skills.

List of Weekly Activities:

Group Discussion

1. 4-8 students are seated in a semi-circle so that they can face each other in order to maintain a proper eye-contact.
2. Tag numbers are assigned to each student.
3. Topic is announced by the teacher and 20 minutes are given for the discussion.
4. Students have to show leadership qualities, team work, cordial and friendly behavior at the time of discussion.

Resume Preparation

1. Students are guided for the preparation of their Resume’s.
2. Various samples of Resume are shown to the students.


1. Students are guided that how they have to introduce themselves. Sequence and method of giving self-introduction are told to students.
2. Special focus is given to their body language, eye-contact, manner of speaking, voice quality and pronunciation.

Mock Interviews

1. Mock Interview sessions are conducted every week.
2. Questions related to interview are asked to each student in order to prepare them for Interviews.Turn Coat
3. Special focus is given to their body language, eye-contact, manner of speaking, voice quality and pronunciation.

Turn Coat

1. This activity helps the students to boost their confidence, thinking hypocritically, mitigating stage phobia.
2. Each participant is given a topic through a slip.
3. Four minutes are given to each participant to speak on the topic.
4. For the first two minutes, the participant speaks for the topic and for the last two minutes against the topic.
5. Student will be given 1 minute to think upon the topic.


1. This is activity which enhances the thinking skill of students.
2. The teacher will write down the words (Say 5 words) on a paper and place in a container.
3. Select a “picturist” – a student who will sketch the first word.
4. The picturist then picks a piece of paper out of the container and sketches that word on blackboard for the rest of the group.
5. The first person to guess the word correctly earns point. The person who guessed correctly becomes the picturist for the next word.
6. The player with the most points once all the words have been sketched is the winner.
7. The words can include movie name, Brand name(Without drawing LOGO) etc.


1. The class teacher will set a clear topic for debate and assign contrasting viewpoints to individuals or groups.
2. Students are then given time to go away and research the topic from their assigned viewpoints in preparation for a debate with the opposing team. They can take the help of newspaper, Internet. This will lead to a healthy debate and this will also increase the knowledge of students.
3. During the debate students may be cross examined by their opponents, the teacher and/or observing class members. These observers will then act as judge to decide which side has won the debate.
4. Each student should speak his/her point in a formal way.
5. If applicable, recording of whole debate should be done so that the video of debate be shown to the students while evaluating their performance.
6. As a follow up, students could be asked to write an essay based on the debate, or be tested on the subject matter.
7. To say that the other side is wrong is not enough. Student need to clarify why the other side is wrong. This is best done by taking a main point of the other side’s argument and showing that it does not make sense. Because a lot of the thinking for this needs to be done quickly this is one of the most challenging and enjoyable aspects of debating.
8. Debating has strict rules of conduct and quite sophisticated arguing techniques
9. Student should not criticise the individual speakers rather he should criticise what other say.


1. Here the students will be given a topic on the spot.
2. He/she will think upon the topic and will speak on the topic for at least two minutes.
3. The speaker will be judged on the basis of communication skill, knowledge, humor etc.
4. The student should follow proper body language.
5. One can also record the performance of the student and video can be shown to him/her latter on. In this way, he will himself evaluate his performance. The best speaker will be awarded.

Power of Communication

1. This activity will improve the communication skill of the student.
2. A diagram will be drawn by class teacher on a paper (For e.g. star) and will handover the sheet to student.
3. Student without disclosing the diagram will explain the design of the diagram i.e.Star to the other students.
4. The other students need to draw the diagram as per the oral direction given by the student.
5. The student guessing the correct diagram will get prize.

ADMISSION 2025-2026
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